Clean Water Can Save Your Life

Like any food product and the clean, fresh water has a shelf life . And bottled water in 5 -gallon jug factory sealed lasts about 2 years. As food , keep the air and water tightness stored in a cool , dark place to increase the service life ... No air , no light, no heat.

If you have water, which is old or the presence of an unknown state , you have the following options that purify .

1. Boiling - boiling hot water of at least 1 minute for sterilization. ( This method does not refer to any chemical or particulate contaminants . )

Two . Add bleach . Chemically known as sodium hypo chlorite , add 4 drops of chlorine regular (no perfume) per liter of water . Double that if the water is dirty. ( In an attempt to filter the dirty water with a coffee filter to remove the particulate matter in the first place. ) Shake or stir well and wait 30 minutes. The very slight smell of chlorine fine . ( Or you can buy chlorine dioxide tablets made WB Katelyn under the name Microprobe MP3 .

Three . Search Berkley candidate or quality filtration system similar . Must be certified as a candidate , which is called the "cleansing " to remove parasites, viruses and bacteria. But not all purifiers are equal in terms of quality and efficiency.

April . Iodine tablets . You can buy these under Globalize portable water or iodine tablets in Coughlin brands.

May . UV sterilization " Stripe " . This device requires batteries.

Note on bleach :

Bleach also has a shelf life. After 6 months to a year and liquor storage will have lost its initial effectiveness. If bleach is its 2 or 3 years old , you can not trust him to purify water , as in the instructions above . Always be new bleach , you make your own!

How to make your own bleach anytime using just water and powdered calcium hypo chlorite . Buy at the pool store, sports store , or pharmacy . Sold as " pool shock 68 % " to keep the pools. It combines professional cleaners use this. (Most retail stores carry the power of only 48 % so you may have to search several stores. )

WARNING : This chemical is dangerous. You should do some additional research first ! ( Search the Internet , for example , YouTube for instructional videos) If in doubt , do not try to mix this compound.

Instructions: is a part of calcium hypo chlorite to 100 parts of water to make the lye you need. This is half of a heaping teaspoon in a gallon of water. Screw firm shake and wait 20 minutes. You now have fresh bleach.

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