Advertising For Public Health

He came to the telephone and internet km, cross the border and are interlinked , and disseminate information on business deals and welfare throughout the world. Yet these people are deprived of these benefits with illiteracy, and there is still a need to recognize the information through the medium of advertising .
UNICEF reports that nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names , and are women.Also older citizens do not know the third, two of them with computer operations . So advertising is the most effective means of communication , through television , radio and the panel for access to the public. You can send / post quick and simple idea, what is attractive to attract the attention of the viewer ` s , and convey important information in an instant.
Advertising can increase public awareness of the causal factors responsible for disease conditions , and adapt to preventive measures. Drinking water and sanitation and hygiene are the three main factors contributing to the prevalence and incidence of infectious diseases such as diarrhea , typhoid , malaria and tuberculosis , among others.
Worldwide, about 1.8 million children die each year from diarrhea , and nearly 90 % of children under 5 years of age. Improve the value of the inevitability of rehydration and nutrition therapy orally as emergency aid breast .
Development Indicators 2008 World Bank reported every year there are from 350 to 500 million cases of malaria , with 1 million deaths. Africa accounts for 90 % of malaria deaths and African children becomes more than 80 % of malaria victims worldwide . To illustrate the importance of environmental hygiene , use of mosquito repellents for mitigation of the causative agent .
Some ethical and tribal groups of people involved in illegal practices like black magic, and offer the life of the animal, and the curse of God ` s , and others, for the treatment of diseases. It was noted that 2.2 million children die each year because they are not immunized . Advertising can be used as a powerful tool for changing attitudes , loans to accept the modern view of the medical approach .
About 40 million people living with HIV / AIDS , with 3 million deaths in 2004. 15 million children orphaned by HIV / AIDS. Explain the implications of this disease, and the use of contraception and the availability of drugs for the treatment reduces the rate of infection.
The report estimates that 68,000 women World Health 2005 worldwide die each year from unsafe abortion . Tendency to induce abortions for different reasons makes the need for emergency contraception . Fit Over 70 percent of women who advertised for contraceptives in emergency aid to prevent and avoid unwanted complications of pregnancy abortion .
It has been shown to be effective in audiovisual not stigmatize mental illness and promote the acceptance of people with mental disorders.The problem of dyslexia in children may annoy parents , and doubted the mental capacity. Over 50 % of NASA employees are dyslexic . They are sought intentionally , as they have to solve the problems of the magnificent and excellent 3D and spatial awareness skills .
In the event of an outbreak / epidemics, and public awareness programs help the early diagnosis and preventive measures to another , to combat the situation can be fatal and decisive.
Adverting to impose a ban on alcohol and snuff embark on proactive measures, and avoid exposure to adolescents and adults in lifestyle diseases .
American Public Health Association in 2005, said that most children see commercials for food advertising , fast food and food sweets.These exceed RDV ` s fat and saturated fat and sodium , but not ` s RDV provide fiber and certain vitamins and minerals . Increasing the amount of junk food poses a risk to health, and lead to a condition known as the disease of obesity.

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