Cardio Exercise - Good for the Heart

The heart is the heart and blood vessels, for short. This is a system that revolves around the heart to move the blood that carries nutrients to the different parts of the body. The correct name for this type of activity is aerobic exercise , aerobic exercise , which requires a lot of oxygen during the long period of time. Cardiovascular exercise is very different from high intensity interval training , which consists of rapid movements in very short bursts ( 30 seconds to a minute) , a short break and repeat the cycle pattern . It is the heart of the longest periods of time, with or without break depending on the fitness level of the individual. Activities include walking, running , cycling , swimming and even dancing .
The benefits of cardiovascular exercise
The benefits of cardiovascular exercise known and highly recommended by general practitioners to help alleviate a number of conditions . The benefits include :

Operating pressure additive necessary for this type of exercise, your heart will be stronger and the body's ability to cope with the increasing activities heavier
The muscles get a workout and that takes energy . You burn calories will help you lose weight as fat
Endorphins help to combat stress , anxiety and depression
Improve your skin
Reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease
Types of exercise heart
Low impact - this type has very little impact , meaning it puts less stress on the joints. Activities include hiking , cycling, swimming and yoga and Pilates. As a rule, this type of exercise does not increase your heart rate at the highest level and usually fall into a workout slower pace. This is good for older people , people who are overweight or a new practice and those recovering from injury.
High impact - as the name implies, a voltage is placed on the body plyometrics - forcing your body off the ground in the jumping motion . Activities include jogging , running and jumping and jumping through like an aerobics class . The effect is not bad for you , unless it is done incorrectly. A good technique is essential to prevent joint damage . Research has shown that it can help build bone density that can prevent or delay osteoporosis.
Details of the training session
The American College of Sports Medicine is recommended for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a Heart week. If high density is your thing, do 20 minutes three days a week . For those who are trying to lose weight or to increase the physical activity level as 30-60 minutes of moderate to high intensity five days a week would be better.

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