symptoms of emotional abuse

Effects on Victims of Emotional Abuse:

* Emotional abuse saps a woman's self esteem, creates anxiety and panic attacks, depression, and makes a woman feel trapped and alone.

* It teaches children to distrust the world, and isolate themselves in pain, anger and fear.

* It can cause lifelong, deep emotional pain.

* Most experts agree that emotional abuse can be more damaging to a woman than physical abuse. However, since emotional abuse does not leave scars and bruises that one can see, it is difficult to convey the level of seriousness to those who have not been victims. "Sticks and Stones" is a lie, ladies. Not feeling supported or taken seriously further degrades the woman's self esteem, and spirals her into a circle of pain and secrecy that is difficult, but not impossible to break free from.

* Fortunately, recent studies are changing the way most people view emotional abuse, and are providing more support and resources to help women escape the cycle.

Signs you are being emotionally abused:

* You feel like you are walking on eggshells, watching what you say or do to prevent a bad reaction out of your partner.

* Your partner yells, swears, throws things or breaks things in a show of force and anger, even if it isn't directed toward you. Doing it in front of you implies your partner is seeking to control you with whatever means necessary.

* Your partner hurts pets when he is angry, then brags about it.

* Your partner uses physical intimidation, even if he never touches you. This includes rushing across the room at you in anger, glaring hateful stares, shaking a finger in your face, or throwing things across the room.

* Your partner uses emotional blackmail to win arguments or disagreements...guilt, shame or my personal favorite...uses anger towards the children in the house or others you love to "shut you up". You comply in order to spare the loved ones his wrath.

* Your partner feels his needs are the only ones that matter.

* He does not respect simple boundaries such as knocking on bedroom doors before entering a child's room, even ones of the opposite sex.

* He belittles you or members of the family, calling names, casting hateful stares or making sure they know they are not accepted members of the family. Examples of this might be not allowing that family member to sit near them, or even be in the same room as them, for absolutely no reason other than to express his control over the victim. He may lead a campaign to convince other members of the family unit to tease just as merciless as he, or he may simply leave that member out of conversations or family events or traditions.

* Teasing crosses into cruelty hidden behind attempts to "help": for example, he might ask "Why you stuff your face like a pig", and then in the next instant claim he is trying to help you with your weight worries.

Signs of an abuser:

* An abuser has different rules for him than he does for everyone else.

* An abuser refuses to take responsibility for his behavior, often accusing you of overreacting.

* When confronted, he will use emotional blackmail to make you stay in the relationship. Ie. Subtle threats to commit suicide, pleading emotional instability, crying, name it.

* Abusers often have substance abuse problems, which they refuse to recognize or get help for.Emotional abuse is one of the most insidious forms of abuse a woman can suffer. Often symptoms of emotional abuse, a woman does not even realize that the unhappiness he feels has a name: the abuse . According to mental health experts today , even if the material is not ... It is still abuse symptoms of emotional abuse.

It has recently been recognized as the only emotional or psychological abuse as a legitimate form of abuse , and are difficult to identify or test . It affects everyone in the house symptoms of emotional abuse, regardless of who the target of the attack . Emotional abuse can be subtle and gradual , so it does not recognize the victim being abused until it became a big shock for them. It can happen to any woman, in any area of ​​life . It can happen to children, and if you are a victim of emotional abuse , their children too. More importantly, it is not what you deserve and no way of healing symptoms of emotional abuse.

Effects on victims of emotional abuse :

* Emotional abuse drains self-esteem of women and creates anxiety and panic attacks , depression, and makes women feel trapped and alone.

* Y teaches children not to trust the world and isolated from the pain and anger and fear.

* May cause lifelong , deep and emotional pain.

* Most experts agree that emotional abuse can be more damaging symptoms of emotional abuse to women than physical abuse. However, given that emotional abuse does not leave scars or bruises you can see , it is difficult to convey the severity level of those who were not victims. "Sticks and stones " is a lie , ladies . Not feel supported or taken seriously degrades women and self-esteem , and spirals into a cycle of pain and the secret that symptoms of emotional abuseis difficult but not impossible to get rid of it .

* Fortunately , recent to change the view of emotional abuse most people studies and to provide more support and resources to help women escape the cycle.

Signs you are a victim of emotional abuse :

* Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells , and watch what you say or do to avoid a bad reaction from your partner.

* Your partner yells , swears , throws things or break things in a show of force and anger , while not facing you. Doing it in front of you means your partner is trying to control you with all means necessary .

* Your pet companion injured when angry , then brags about it .

* Your partner uses physical intimidation, even if he touched you symptoms of emotional abuse . This includes all running around the room for you in anger , raw nasty looking , moving his finger in his face , or throwing things in the room.

* Your partner uses emotional blackmail to win arguments symptoms of emotional abuser disagreements ... Guilt, shame and or my personal favorite ... Use anger toward children at home or others who would love " to close. " You must meet in order to save your loved ones anger.

* Your partner feels that their needs are the only ones that matter .

* Does not respect borders as symptoms of emotional abuse simple as calling the room doors before entering the baby's room , even those of the opposite sex.

* And you or family members belittle , insult , and casting glances of hatred and make sure they know they are not acceptable to the family members . Examples which may not allow family members to sit near them, or even be in the same room with them , and absolutely no other reason than to express his control over the victim symptoms of emotional abuse. He said he could lead a campaign to persuade the other members of the family unit by relentless fun as it was, or you can simply let the member talks or family events or traditions symptoms of emotional abuse .

* Crosses excitement in cruelty hidden behind attempts to " help" : for example, might ask, " Why stuff your face like a pig ," and then in the next instant that statement is trying to help you with your weight problems.

Signs abuser :

* Abuser have different rules for him than it does for everyone symptoms of emotional abuse.

* The abuser refuses to take responsibility for their behavior, and often accused of overreacting .

* When confronted, he will use emotional blackmail to make your stay in this relationship. Any. Hidden threats to commit suicide , pleading emotional instability, crying , guilt ... Anything.

* Abusers often suffer from substance abuse problems , symptoms of emotional abuse and refuses to recognize or seek help .

How to heal from abuse :

Abuse is defined as any behavior that is designed to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear and intimidation , humiliation , guilt , coercion , manipulation etc.

The first step toward healing emotional abuse is to realize that it is exactly that ... Abuse. The deprivation is common among victims. Their self-esteem has suffered enough already treacherous attacks of abuse; admits abuse is difficult. It's really hard . Nobody wants to see anyone hurt them because they love this way , and therefore deny it happen.symptoms of emotional abuse So for excuses to get your abuser . It can also be difficult to accept the fact that it allows you to become a victim. Take note ladies , who did not ask this , it can happen to anyone ! I know how hard it can be to accept this. symptoms of emotional abuseI also know that you can heal and find a place in a healthy life!

what is autoimmune disorder

Autoimmune means your immune system does not recognize the cells and tissues of the body as part of the body autoimmune disorders list, resulting in the immune system attacks the cells and tissues.what is autoimmune disorder  And any call autoimmune disease caused by an autoimmune disorder. There are over 60 known disorders are believed to be associated with autoimmunity . The following is a summary of the conditions related to autoimmune disorders list :

what is autoimmune disorder ?
Special area ta - an autoimmune disorder characterized by hair loss . It is usually found in men and women, and can occur at any age, including childhood autoimmune disorders list.

Alzheimer 's disease - characterized as a progressive brain disorder , which implies a reduction in the social and intellectual capacity . It is believed that Alzheimer's disease may be associated with free radical damage in the brain and inorganic aluminum autoimmune disorders list.

Celia c disease - a chronic inflammation of the colon , creating intestinal collapse due to an allergic reaction to gluten autoimmune disorders list . Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat what is autoimmune disorder , barley , oats and rye.

Croon's disease - a chronic inflammatory bowel disease , characterized by severe inflammation in the lining what is autoimmune disorder of the intestine.autoimmune disorders list Usually this disorder seen in people aged between 15 and 35, but can also be found in young children and the elderly as well.

Fibroblast - This disorder is characterized by autoimmune disorders list pain in the muscles, along with chronic fatigue and insomnia what is autoimmune disorder. It is estimated that between 3 and 6 million people in the U.S. suffer from fibroblast. Ninety percent of them women.

Graves' disease - a disorder that affects the thyroid gland autoimmune disorders list. In this disease auto- antibodies bind to the thyroid gland , which increases the production of thyroid hormone that plays a key role in the process of metabolism . Symptoms include nervousness, insomnia and diarrhea , sweating , weight loss with increased appetite. Symptoms include more severe arrhythmia , tachycardia (increased heart rate) , and swelling of the eyes and legs. In some rare cases, you can get the heart and blood vessels , shock or coma occurs autoimmune disorders list.

Lupus - a condition that , instead of the body's immune system is functioning properly as protection from harmful invaders , forming antibodies that attack healthy tissues and organs . Symptoms include joint pain , autoimmune disorders list inflammation, swelling , fatigue , fever and rashes. Lupus is a mild disease affecting only a few organs, but for others it can cause serious and even life threatening.

Multiple Sclerosis - A chronic inflammatory condition that autoimmune disorders list affects the central nervous system ( CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord . This chronic inflammation causes severe damage to the myelitis sheath (covering of nerves) . Symptoms include blurred vision and numbness and paralysis. Mercury toxicity may be a causal factor autoimmune disorders list.

Psoriasis - A chronic condition characterized by common skin symptoms like eczema . These immune hyperactivity creating a form of inflammation autoimmune disorders list. This inflammatory reaction causes skin cells to multiply 7-12 times faster than usual. The skin is often dry and itchy as well as being cracked or blistered autoimmune disorders list.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - This disorder can affect many joints , but the most common in the small joints of the hands. Autoimmune attack on the tissues causing painful inflammation and swelling. If left unchecked it can lead to bone destruction autoimmune disorders list, deformity and eventually disability. It is believed that a factor of rheumatoid arthritis is to stick to the gallbladder.

How To Build Lean Muscle Without Adding Fat

How To Build Lean Muscle Without Adding Fat
The combination of healthy diet and workout with weights is the key to building muscle mass , but in this case the focus is on a diet. Include protein , carbohydrates and a small amount of fat diet plan for building muscle . We can already hear many of you complain about the amount of extra calories to add to your daily diet. You can get the thought out of your mind because it will teach you how to build lean muscle without adding fat . Let's start .

Diet and nutrition

As already mentioned above, choosing the right foods is crucial not only because they build muscle mass quicker but also prevent kilos accumulate in the optimal diet is vital because it provides the energy to exercise and resources to help the body recover .

When it comes to building muscle mass and protein is an important food group. They provide the building blocks needed to grow in strength and muscle size. The fish, milk , eggs , chicken and meat are the richest sources of animal protein. If you are vegetarian , you can eat a plant-based proteins such as beans , nuts, seeds , cereals and non-dairy milk.

Creatine is another food you should include in your diet if you want to build lean muscle. Creatine belongs to the family of amino acids. And the fabrication of these amino acids in the liver, kidneys and pancreas. Fish and meat are the main sources of creatine. Carbohydrates are important in the diet also muscle mass. It supplies energy to the body - fuel for exercise . Carbohydrates are divided into three categories - Levy (fruits and vegetables) and simple ( sugars) and complex (bread, rice , cereal and pasta). Carbohydrates should be limited to 6-11 servings per day. Fat is also important if you want to build muscle mass. Now, the most important question - how much fat you can eat when you are struggling to lose weight? The answer is the saturated fat or healthy .

It is also essential that you drink enough water, if you want a healthy muscle. Drought does not allow the muscles to work efficiently. You should aim for a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day. In case of increasing the amount of water in summer .

Includes diet and nutrition, and also the time of the meal, and the number of meals . As much as possible , do not skip meals . Skipping meals disrupt metabolism. Energy reserves are depleted in the body. The lack of power makes it difficult to make it increasingly difficult to get lean mass exercises. Eating several small meals throughout the day. You should eat a meal every 3-4 hours. Eating several small meals throughout the day to avoid overeating.

Training routines

Exercise stimulates muscle growth. It should be a routine practice division for 3 days. It is working in 3 days every other day of the week, say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And spend every day to work from a specific set of muscles. Such as aerobic exercises help burn fat faster , and weight training helps get the perfectly sculpted body . Together must also perform aerobic activities. Strength training muscle and fat tone , but avoid appearing . Aerobic activity helps you burn fat. The activities of the heart and blood vessels that can lead swimming, running and walking , cycling and jumping.

While it may seem unconventional , and get an adequate amount of sleep and also strengthen and grow muscle. Sleep helps the body recover after exercise. You should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Build Power With Lifting Straps - Your Secret Trick To Bigger Muscles

Many seasoned gym goers reach a point in their training cycle when you just can not lift any more weight than that. Try as you might you can not go further without the risk of injury and stagnation.
Of course , there are options available to you. First, you could try supplementing your diet or improve the quality of food you eat, or more specifically to increase the amount of protein you eat every day.
You could try to change the course around your workouts, but this may delay the inevitable point of contention that waiting just around the next corner.
It is at this stage that many muscles look desperate fans seriously the possibility of taking steroids , but it is clear that this is taking a completely different way and these things are beyond the scope of this short article.
And only some of the options still exist. You could try the advanced training techniques such as forced or representatives of the negatives, but this depends on having a reliable and capable partner training, it is not that anybody can move easily.
This latter option training aids , belts , accessories , gloves used , the whole purpose of this short piece is to use weight lifting straps .
Weight lifting belts are an invaluable aid in exercises that require no action to remove or raise. Basically anything which fail relatively small muscles of the forearms to face heavyweight necessary to stimulate large muscle groups and stubborn as Watts and traps etc.
It is very common to be able to these huge muscles fatigue because the weaker forearms are not able to continue .
Therefore, the solution is simple - use straps or hooks weight lifting. The hooks are exactly what they claim to be - bent connection made of metal hooks on the bar or handle the device to allow isolation of the larger muscle groups.
Lifting straps are exactly the same reason , but not based on the hook . Get a fabric belt grip wrap around the bar and then squeezing his fist around it . In terms of the benefit it really depends on what you prefer , but both will do the same job.
If you are stuck in a rut with your dead weight or you can not break into new muscle pull ups with your own , it may be worth investing in a good pair of lifting straps yourself.
It stands to reason that if you can increase the load used get muscle growth , what are you waiting for - go and get a set and pushed it to new heights.

why is eating healthy important ?

why is eating healthy important?
In fact , it is a key question, " Why is it important to eat healthy ? " Frankly put, a healthy diet is essential for the development and preservation of public health .diet foods for men Even in early pregnancy of life in the womb ,healthy foods for breakfast and the foods and substances that the human body absorption affect general health and well being.

In the old days , why is eating healthy important it was a simple healthy eating. They were cultured and relaxed lifestyle and farms without the use of harmful , such as herbicides and pesticides chemicals. In these challenging times , where he lived life in the hurried pace , eating has become a quick and fast foods difficult to foods for men What people eat is more readily available and not why healthy foods for breakfast is eating healthy important having the time to cook and prepare healthy meals, often binge on the processing and preservation of foods that contain a lot of chemicals and synthetic materials in them.

Remember that what is happening inside your body dictate the health situation because basically you are what you eat. You are damaging your body system if foods that do nothing to absorb the cells and tissues in their growth , and works well.why is eating healthy important? And the chemicals they put in processed foods today is hard to pronounce,diet foods for men and you might be one of the many people who are not familiar with what they are and what they do to the human body. If you value your health, why is eating healthy important ?you should be aware of what you eat and make a conscious effort to learn more about healthy eating as much as possible diet foods for men.

Basically we have to eat to provide our bodies with the nutrients . Good foods contain nutrients (carbohydrates , proteins , fats, vitamins and minerals) that provide us not only with fuel for energy, why is eating healthy important?but also with the material so that the construction of new cells, and the development and repair of the bones and muscles and tissues of our body organs and protect against disease. healthy foods for breakfast With the type of fuel , the body comes to life and brings a lot of energy that allows it to function properly. diet foods for men However, when the material is fed wrong in the human body , why is eating healthy important ?cells and tissues are weakened as a result of hormonal imbalances that have been created . Accelerates the oxidation of cellular damage leading members of the body that provides end diseases and disorders .

The human body has the inimitable facility healthy foods for breakfast survive despite often suffer from neglect and poor feed sponsored with pharmaceutical drugs. But when it is extracted from the crisis, causing confusion in the body, why is eating healthy important?and activate the stressful interactions that lead to many diseases. I had known that antioxidants play a role in protecting us from free radicals and toxic triggers the human body. The best way to establish this antioxidant shield is constantly feed the cells of the human body needs in order to operate and grow naturally and that is by eating healthy healthy foods for breakfast.

It can not be achieved through a healthy diet to learn the basics of nutrition are important and are part of your daily regimen.why is eating healthy important? You need to be familiar with the area of proper nutrition and suggest answers to the question of why healthy eating is important, even for young children healthy foods for breakfast.why is eating healthy important? We will learn and apply lessons from the beginning to help harvest and enjoy the effects and long-term benefits healthy foods for breakfast.

heart disease symptoms in women

heart disease symptoms in women

Heart attacks are the number one cause of death among women due to inadequate attention given when presented with symptoms the cause.

 heart disease symptoms in women Male patient is in most cases given treatments such as required for the proper flow of blood in a shorter time period congestive heart failure symptoms.

It is important that women are protected with heart disease symptoms in women a healthy lifestyle , including maintaining cholesterol, which may increase the risk of heart disease , but in a good standard. Sea for women with diabetes are also more likely to have heart problems.

As a woman should have a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly heart disease symptoms in women.

 Previous research has shown that only congestive heart failure symptoms requires a minimum of thirty minutes worth of exercise each week to maintain blood pressure, weight and cholesterol.

You also need to recognize the signs of a possible heart attack and realize that women can not experience any of the associated symptoms.

heart disease symptoms in women Some of the symptoms include crushing pain in congestive heart failure symptoms the center of the chest and shortness of breath and chest tightness or pressure , becoming sticky abdominal pain, sudden wave of fatigue or dizziness .

Must meet the additional precautions Women Heart heart disease symptoms in women Disease regular tests to determine potential risks.congestive heart failure symptoms It is never too late to start a diet of healthy food happy heart and start a regular exercise routine heart disease symptoms in women.

 If you suspect a heart attack , it is important to get tested for that , especially if there are some of the symptoms.

heart palpitations symptoms

One of the most terrible anxiety attacks are the symptoms of heart palpitations . People often confuse heart palpitations and anxiety with other things, heart palpitations symptoms such as heart attack or stroke . These symptoms often cause very afraid ... Often contribute to increased anxiety . Heart palpitations are symptoms of female heart attack very common side effects in patients with anxiety ... Unfortunately, they are also one of the most fearsome heart palpitations symptoms.

Why this is not anxiety attacks symptoms occur?

When you feel stressed your heart starts racing and the blood begins to flow through the body quickly. This happens because symptoms of female heart attack your body heart palpitations symptoms expects to fight ... The increased blood flow and helps the body and provides your muscles with extra oxygen . When you have more blood flowing through your body ... Physically I was ready for anything that comes your way.

The problem with all this extra blood is redirected heart palpitations symptoms to the muscles is that blood is directed away from places like all parts , such as fingers or toes . When you need more blood ... Ceilings where your not near as important as the trunk and thighs. This is great if you are about to enter a battle of life for you ...symptoms of female heart attack But if you are feeling anxiety about the work that really does not help at all  heart palpitations symptoms.

When you pull the blood away from both parties and sent to other muscles heart palpitations and can produce anxiety. heart palpitations symptoms This change in the blood can also lead to many other symptoms such as headaches symptoms of female heart attack , numbness and tingling ... What may be mistaken for a heart attack or stroke symptoms .

If you experience any of these symptoms of anxiety attacks, you should go to see a doctor to be 100% sure you're okay heart palpitations symptoms ... If you can put your mind at ease that you can work in effective ways to work on your anxiety problems . Chances are you will not be diagnosed with palpitations and anxiety ... This is good for you, because you know what to work on ! When reassured by your doctor that heart palpitations symptoms you can start working on your anxiety symptoms rather than worry about a heart attack.

Read my Panic Away Review and see how I discovered the secrets to stopping panic and anxiety instantly heart palpitations symptoms!

symptoms of lung problems

symptoms of lung problems

Pneumonia is a disease that affects the lungs , and used to be a disease with the most kills at the beginning of the century. It is an inflammation of the lungs caused by a virus or bacteria , but fortunately , symptoms of lung problems since the discovery of antibiotics can be easily treated , especially if detected early . But it can still be dangerous for the elderly or for those with a weak defense system people.Dependent symptoms of pneumonia usually appropriate, but most of these patients have fever and chest pain .  symptoms of lung problems These symptoms occur in all patients suffering from pneumonia, and regardless of the reason.More than half of the cases of pneumonia are caused by viruses. In this case , is called the pneumonia and viral pneumonia . symptoms of lung problems The symptoms of viral pneumonia include :- Chest pain accompanied by headache , fever- Dry cough- The patient faces a general feeling of weakness and fatigueAnd some pneumonias caused by bacteria. In this case, the most common symptoms that occur are :- The general feeling cold , causing chills and rapid heartbeathigh fever- The skin color Bloich- Cough that produces green liquorPneumonia often affects the elderly and young children . The elderly often have viral or bacterial pneumonia, while those who are under 40 years old and suffering from cytoplasm pneumonia Pneumonia is often. This model is very contagious symptoms of lung problems , and once that is affected by a family member that will affect the other very soon.  

Not as bad as the first two forms , but it can cause serious complications if not treated . Common symptoms of cytoplasm pneumonia are:Dry cough with fever symptoms of lung problemsA sore throat- The general feeling of weakness and fatigueJoint painWhen pneumonia affects children very young nagging feeling that causes the disease and also causes the skin to turn a little blue .  
The child has a high temperature and shortness of breath .If you have two or more symptoms of pneumonia ,symptoms of lung problems  you should call your doctor as soon as possible because the pneumonia cause serious complications if not treated .

 If coughing blood , it means that the disease has advanced and needs immediate treatment. If the disease is detected early can be treated at home with a small number of antibiotics, symptoms of lung problems but if not then require the patient to hospital.

what are symptoms of pneumonia ??

what are symptoms of pneumonia ?, signs and symptoms of pneumonia, aspiration pneumonia treatment

what are symptoms of pneumonia  ??
Pneumonia is a condition in which the lungs are affected , either due to inflammation or infection. Cats are also susceptible to pneumonia , as human beings , and when they have been identified and addressed in a timely manner could result in death. what are symptoms of pneumonia This is why it is important to recognize the symptoms of pneumonia in cats in the early stages of the disease itself . And assistance on a timely and appropriate to provide much needed relief to the pet veterinarian.

Pneumonia is a lung disease caused by bacteria  what are symptoms of pneumonia , viruses, parasites or a fungal infection . Rarely, it can also cause pneumonia by inhalation of foreign bodies in the lungs. It can also occur as a secondary pneumonia immunity in case of danger . Virus infection is usually caused what are symptoms of pneumonia by strains of para influenza virus and Calci .

Here are some of the symptoms that you can easily identify that will help you get the medical treatment at the right time for your pet what are symptoms of pneumonia.

The irregular and rapid breathing is one of the first signs that the cat has some problems with his lungs. Cat breathed in shorts and gasping .signs and symptoms of pneumonia This is due to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the lungs this.

what are symptoms of pneumonia>
Impropriety of the lungs also affects the pulse rate. You can feel your heartbeat, which was caused by the additional effort of the heart to strike signs and symptoms of pneumonia a balance between the performance of a defect in the lungs. what are symptoms of pneumonia He added there is also the fear and tension in the cat due to irregular breathing, which in turn affects the pulse and raises .

Cough is a symptom that usually seen in cats with pneumonia. The cough is a kind of piracy , and may range in severity depending on the degree of disease progression .

When the infection is usually accompanied by fever what are symptoms of pneumonia . Fever is a result of efforts to protect the body from infection. The cat will be hot to the touch, and you should consult your veterinarian before attempting to give you a medicine signs and symptoms of pneumonia cat yourself.

Splinting is a term used to denote muscle tension and is caused by a persistent cough. There may be muscle spasms that can be felt by touching cats what are symptoms of pneumonia signs and symptoms of pneumonia.

Having a bluish mucous indicate that the cat is getting an adequate amount of oxygen, which was caused by an alteration of the lungs. what are symptoms of pneumonia ?This occurs when the disease has advanced greatly and you should seek immediate veterinary help to treat the cat.

Positive Awareness - How to Find It

The blocks impeding notes charm of lifeYou can damped inward from the noise and pollution of our urban environments , as well as information and endless slave labor . The temptation is asleep without thinking through this life , and let the memories of the past and future to dominate your consciousness and a way to escape the reality of the present moment fantasies. Then, of course , to be distracted, far removed from the notification requirements of the moment, here and now with the regular harvest positive, but transient , and experiences.
"The past is history,
The future is a mystery,
At this time it is a gift .
That's why it is called the " present." "
(Author unknown )
Other factors that we can prevent contact with the positive side of life is to raise the flag material. Roger Walsh noted spiritual writer of the blinding power of science , saying that pounded through his way of seeing the universe as a machine does not have a great effect that leads to a kind of irony in respect of any meaning and purpose behind of our world.
A third factor , and I would like to mention is that the union of physical pleasure and worldly concerns . For example , the emotional, if not physical, and dependence on alcohol, drugs , food, and competition for social status, and excessive consumption , and identify with more of a "tribe " . Concerned about the physical side of life can corrupt any spiritual vision.
Practice focuses on the positive experiencesOne way to combat these problems is to exercise 15 minutes in your day positive notes . Here are some guidelines .
1. At night , just sit comfortably in a quiet place , with paper and pencil.
Two . Think about the events of that day , what I did , I spoke with and what was said , where you are and what you saw.
Three . Each of these moments I remembered normal, pause and look at anything positive. It has been touched by anything good about the experience? Maybe if it was a fleeting moment when I felt a subtle or pleased or impressed. You can even caught by the beauty and charm of the situation.
April . Was it could be confused what is negative when it was positive. But writing one sentence at a time on any aspect of the positive.
May . After the re- read list .
" Life is full of beauty. Noticed . Observed bumble bees , and a small child , and the smiling faces . Smell the rain, and feel the wind . " (Ashley Smith)
Recognizing the benefits of positiveMight be looking for a positive in every night has a beneficial effect is cumulative. But to reach this function, make an effort.
" You need to stop . Woke . Be aware , be aware and recognize that something good happens . " (William Blum)
When you are looking for the positives that can feel the jovial , more relaxed and better look . Try to be aware of how to change your mood . Surrender to the experience. If he feels the Renaissance and then think about it for a moment of spiritual connection , but only lasts a few seconds . It is not true that spiritual experiences are rare and intense. There is a positive experience that can be shared and just feel like a normal conversation lifting opportunities and a brief flash of intuition, or a moment of laughter.
As you start to pay more attention to the good experiences , they are likely to want to search . And a lot of people who are actively looking for a connection to the wonder and energy of life through the natural environment. He found the atmosphere of some of the landscapes he takes them to a different mood and be more sensitive to even a whisper of magic. Others hope to find something good base for a wonderful life in a crowd of people in a friendship or intimacy with your loved one , or when trapped in a team of colleagues in the development and creativity .
Swedenborg pointA Swedenborg Maxim relevant is the " flow adapts to capital flight . " In other words, in the mind of the flow according to the flow of the mind : the perception of a higher level according to the mentality of the observer. If you are looking for something that is more likely to notice . But if you are resistant to the possibility of spiritual vision and will be a party for him .
"Seek and ye shall find " (Jesus )
Copyright 2013 Stephen Russell - Lacey
As a clinical psychologist , specializing Steven Russell - Lacey in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and discomfort.
Questions the spiritual adjustments for free ezine that explores links between spiritual philosophy and the comments and questions of spiritual seekers . You can share your views and learn more about feeling good, and personal wellness and spiritual healing

quotations on health

-Author Unknown

You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well.

-Wayne Dyer

Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.

10 Ways to Get Back Into Shape

Decision on why it is important for you
Just because you think it should be thinner , not stimulating enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle , you'll know why you care - what matters to you to be healthy. This means taking the time to reflect on what it means to you to be healthy, and how it will improve your life. It must also be clear about the costs associated with unhealthy remaining .
Two . Try for fun
Is there any reason for the emergence of the fast food much better than a healthy taste, and when they are not used to eating healthy , or when a lot of junk food is included in your diet. There is a huge amount of money spent on research to make sure the taste is nice and addictive. The transition from highly processed , high in salt and high fat foods , it seems that the food is bland to be very difficult . Therefore, you should give your taste buds time to adjust. The more you cut back on these things and choose healthier alternatives , and begin to appreciate and enjoy the natural flavors.
Three . Up in the mind
To be healthy should be top of mind, so you do not fall into bad habits when you forget to pay attention or mood is not quite right ( for example, in times of stress or hormonal changes ) . When you focus on being healthy , and can integrate behaviors in your life (other than eating quick fix to feel good foods ) to manage your mood . Staying focused on what you want to live a healthy lifestyle .
April . Stop feeling like you're not losing
When healthy eating is started is very important to not feel as if they are punished for thinking " in terrible that I can not eat more delicious than that. " The idea is that you want to eat healthy because you like how cool environment and clean and vibrant . Therefore, you do not feel inclined to gorge on junk food in order to change your mood or to satisfy the craving . Want to be able to enjoy the delights for you ( for example , celebrations ) , but to be able to go back to eating healthy again immediately.
May . Do you think you can do
Confidence is key to its success. Other examples of use when you set your mind to achieve the goal and managed to reach ( for example , providing a vacation, and change careers , and buy a new home ) - to motivate you. This way , you can regularly remember that when you put your mind to it , you can achieve anything.
6. Ignore the well-intentioned others who want to join them in their eating habits
Closely related to the food itself and you socialize, so that people around you are going to try to encourage him to eat unhealthy food and drink occasionally . The key here is to ensure that health and offering delicious dishes that you can enjoy together. In addition to feeling less stressed about having to explain your new eating habits , food consumption leads to lighter , more energy healthy conversation and increase comfort .
7. Stop all or nothing thinking
As noted earlier, it is very important to be flexible with your eating habits so if you end up eating more junk food than expected , just keep going , instead of using it as an excuse to eat like crazy . Remember that you are not restricting . Nobody tells you what to do. I eat healthy because you want to .
8 . Will be organized with food preparation
Make sure you eat regularly throughout the day and having prepared healthy meals in advance to avoid capture high-fat foods easy and fast execution. Take time each week to make sure you have enough healthy snacks in your luggage, and drawers at work and home store . Then , arrange for someone in either house to prepare meals in your name, or cook healthy meals and a couple of weeks at the beginning and frozen for those nights when you really can not be bothered cooking.
9. Alternatives to prepare delicious
A healthy diet should not be boring . Log on to the site below for a happy some delicious meals you can prepare easily free life. It is very important to have a positive relationship with healthy eating , so be creative and prepare the foods you love . Do not just stick to the same old salad and soup diet . Want to become a healthy eating style , not a chore.
10. Get friends and family involved
It is much easier to maintain a healthy life if your family and friends are worried. You can engage them to participate in organized physical activities together, and prepare healthy meals everyone can enjoy together, or to discuss what you are doing and ask for their support .

Cardio Exercise - Good for the Heart

The heart is the heart and blood vessels, for short. This is a system that revolves around the heart to move the blood that carries nutrients to the different parts of the body. The correct name for this type of activity is aerobic exercise , aerobic exercise , which requires a lot of oxygen during the long period of time. Cardiovascular exercise is very different from high intensity interval training , which consists of rapid movements in very short bursts ( 30 seconds to a minute) , a short break and repeat the cycle pattern . It is the heart of the longest periods of time, with or without break depending on the fitness level of the individual. Activities include walking, running , cycling , swimming and even dancing .
The benefits of cardiovascular exercise
The benefits of cardiovascular exercise known and highly recommended by general practitioners to help alleviate a number of conditions . The benefits include :

Operating pressure additive necessary for this type of exercise, your heart will be stronger and the body's ability to cope with the increasing activities heavier
The muscles get a workout and that takes energy . You burn calories will help you lose weight as fat
Endorphins help to combat stress , anxiety and depression
Improve your skin
Reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease
Types of exercise heart
Low impact - this type has very little impact , meaning it puts less stress on the joints. Activities include hiking , cycling, swimming and yoga and Pilates. As a rule, this type of exercise does not increase your heart rate at the highest level and usually fall into a workout slower pace. This is good for older people , people who are overweight or a new practice and those recovering from injury.
High impact - as the name implies, a voltage is placed on the body plyometrics - forcing your body off the ground in the jumping motion . Activities include jogging , running and jumping and jumping through like an aerobics class . The effect is not bad for you , unless it is done incorrectly. A good technique is essential to prevent joint damage . Research has shown that it can help build bone density that can prevent or delay osteoporosis.
Details of the training session
The American College of Sports Medicine is recommended for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a Heart week. If high density is your thing, do 20 minutes three days a week . For those who are trying to lose weight or to increase the physical activity level as 30-60 minutes of moderate to high intensity five days a week would be better.

signs of infertility in women

What are the early signs of infertility in women? If you are a woman and have unprotected sex regularly with their partner than men for 12 months photographic memory training without becoming pregnant signs of infertility in women, and this is the time to act fast.

You or your partner may have some fertility issues you need to deal with it. These are some of the first signs of infertility to help you determine the next line of their work signs of infertility in women.

Before that, you need to check the following before creating a state of panic and undue anxiety. Do you regularly monitors when you ovulate to ensure that you have the best of unprotected sex ? It may surprise you to know that many  signs of infertility in women women do not know photographic memory training when they are ovulating or who avoid sex whenever you suffer from changes in the body before and during ovulation.

 As I was trying to get pregnant , you should understand that the time of ovulation is the key factor that will determine whether or not to become pregnant .photographic memory training  This is the only thing you need to understand your body signs of infertility in women.

Ovulation occurs when published ripe and ready to be fertilized egg from the ovary , and sent through signs of infertility in women the fallopian tube to be fertilized by sperm . During this period ,photographic memory training will cause hormonal changes in the lining of the large uterus ready for a fertilized egg.

 If you do not imagine it at this time , shed the uterine lining and blood . This shedding of an unfertilized egg and the uterine wall is what is usually called menstruation signs of infertility in women.

The first signs of infertility in women photographic memory training

Now ask yourself :signs of infertility in women " Have regular menstrual period or are not you having any ? " If you are not having any menstrual period , you may be suffering from a condition called gonorrhea. Assume all women of childbearing age who is menstruating.

 If you were or irregular menstrual cycle , and these are the first signs of infertility signs of infertility in women in women, or perhaps some other medical condition that memory improvement techniques can be easily treated naturally and safely.

Another early sign of infertility in women is abortion. This is the loss of the fetus before the twentieth week of pregnancy. It may surprise signs of infertility in women you to know that many women suffer from early abortion without even knowing that they may be pregnant for some time.

They can shrug believe it may have been only a few days later , memory improvement techniques or may be special meetings , rather than the other. Although abortion is not signs of infertility in photographic memory training women a telltale sign of primary infertility in women , and may provide an indication of some genetic or hormonal problems you need to deal with quickly.

If you experience recurrent miscarriages , you should consult a doctor to check for problems with the reproductive system you have signs of infertility in women.

signs of infertility in women

The first signs of another of infertility in women, photographic memory memory improvement technique straining your doctor may not tell you or knowledge is the problem of lack of hormones that can successfully prevent activation of signs of infertility in women the reproductive system , blood stasis , and the problem heat that can be the result of an injury or an infection problem .