Learn More About Varicose Vein Treatments Somerville, NJ Residents Rely On

By Olive Pate

Varicose veins are unsightly, bulging blood vessels most often appearing in the legs. For some patients, this is a painful condition. Other people never develop symptoms but seek ways to reduce the appearance of these veins for cosmetic reasons. Several qualified physicians offer varicose vein treatments Somerville, NJ residents can rely on for help.

People of both genders can develop this condition but more women than men suffer with this condition. Some researchers believe this is because some female hormones can weaken blood vessel walls. Tiny valves inside blood vessels keep the blood moving in the right direction. Blood sometimes pools in the veins causing them to bulge when these valves fail. Overweight individuals may experience deformed veins due to the excess pressure.

Only some people experience symptoms but many people with this condition do not. Itching and aching are the top complaints of people who have discomfort. Sometimes the condition worsens with age and causes complications such as changes in skin color, excessive bleeding, and venous ulcers.

Many of the treatments available to physicians are minimally invasive, which is encouraging news for patients. Treatments can often take place in a physician's office. This eliminates expensive hospital stays and allows patients to get back to their normal routine quickly.

Before attempting even a minimally invasive procedure, doctors usually ask the patient to see if a variety of lifestyle changes will help. Obese patients should try increasing physical activity and eating a nutritious diet. Sometimes weight loss alone will eliminate symptoms. Wearing compression garments that apply pressure to encourage good circulation can also help. Keeping the legs elevated and taking breaks often when forced to stand or sit for prolonged periods are additional tips for managing varicose veins.

Radiofrequency ablation collapses the damaged veins using radio waves. The physician inserts a special probe into the vein through a catheter. The radio waves heat the inner walls of the blood vessels and seal them tight. Blood automatically avoids the closed vein and flows through a healthy one instead. This procedure requires local anesthetic and a small incision just below or above the kneecap. Endovenous laser treatment has the same effect but the physician uses a laser to deliver the heat necessary to collapse the affected veins.

Certain patients will not be suitable candidates for laser or radiofrequency ablation. For these individuals, sclerotherapy may produce the desired results. The doctor injects foam directly into the varicose veins. The foam causes scar tissue to form inside the vessel, which blocks blood flow. In both sclerotherapy and ablation, the body automatically redirects blood to healthy veins and the damaged veins no longer bulge out.

Ligation and stripping is the most involved procedure available. This is a major surgery and it must take place in a hospital setting. The patient is put under with general anesthesia but in most cases will not have to spend the night. Individuals suffering with this condition can find a qualified physician with experience in all treatment types. Patients should carefully review each procedure and weigh the benefits and risks before making a final decision.

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