Mrs Nicole Marois Benoite

Dear Beloved Friend,

  I am Mrs Nicole Marois Benoite, and i have been suffering from ovarian cancer disease  and the doctor says that i have just few days to leave. I am from (Paris) France but  based in Africa Burkina Faso since eleven years ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation. I can't seem to eat anymore, and my time is growing nearer as each day  passes on.

All my life, i have been charitable with my' wealth; not because i never really worked  for it but because i have always had the heart to give to the less privileged so that the Lord can give back to me in his own way. My time is short, i will not be able to continue  this journey anymore but i want to give you the responsibility when i am gone to take  custody of my inheritance and spread it across millions of charity homes worldwide. I  know you would be wondering why don't i contact the charities myself, but my experiences  in the past have made me learn that if you put all your eggs in one basket, it would  definitely get squashed. There is a need to spread the wealth around, especially during  an economic recession where access to capital is slow.

Now that i am about to end the race like this, without any family members and no child. I  have $3 Million US DOLLARS in Africa Development Bank (ADB) Burkina Faso which i  instructed the bank to give St Andrews Missionary Home in Burkina Faso.

I also have $4.5 Million US Dollars at Eco-Bank here in Burkina Faso and i instructed the  bank to transfer the fund to the first foreigner that will apply to the bank after i have  gone, that they should release the fund to him/her,but you will assure me that you will  take 50% of the fund and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to  rest.

though I am sick and dying, I am not afraid of death because I know where I am going. My  soul has found a resting place in the handsome blossom of the Lord.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or persecution (Rom  8:28-38 vs. 35).

Respond to me immediately  for further details since I have just few days to end my life  due to the ovarian cancer disease, hoping to hear from you to give you more details and  instruction.

Mrs. Nicole Marois

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